Companies Autolevi and ELMO Rent offering car rental services reached an agreement for providing ELMO Rent electric car rental services in Tallinn and Tartu also via Autolevi.
According to Tauri Kärson, the founder of Autolevi, the cooperation was initiated by the mutual wish to solve environmental problems. „I have founded Autolevi for Estonian people to be able to rent out their own car or to use somebody else’s one exactly in the time when it is needed. The fewer vehicles move on our roads the better for our environment“, mentioned Kärson in his press-release. „In this sense LMO Rent is similar to us – their rental cars are more environmentally friendly versus the conventional ones and one vehicle can be shared by many wishing to do so“, added Kärson.
The services of Autolevi acting in Estonia, Latvia and Finland are mainly used for business trips and vacation, however this service is also highly appreciated by those who need bigger or special vehicles. ELMO Rent electric cars can be rented via Autolevi in Tallinn and Tartu on the same terms as directly from ELMO Rent, i.e. always reasonable prices, and battery charging in ELMO quick charge network is free for the renters.
Did you know that your private car is used only for about 4.5% of time or 33 hours per month? And your monthly car costs usually excess 300-400 euros.
In addition to the car price when you buy it there are costs and liabilities for the car owner he or she has to comply with on the regular basis. Fact is that these costs rather grow in time than reduce. You have to go to the car service at least twice a year to change the tyres, older cars need more often maintenance. Fuel prices are growing and traffic jams in the cities in rush hour still remain a problem.