Decisions of the ordinary general meeting of ELMO Rent AS
Ordinary general meeting of ELMO Rent AS (hereinafter also the Company) was held on 28 June 2022 at 3 pm at Öpiku Konverentsikeskus, Valukoja 8, II floor, meeting room “Universum”. The invitation of the ordinary general meeting of the Company was published on 6 June 2022 in the information system of Nasdaq Tallinn (https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=b5d4e859c9f305cdee9b858b93d872bc9&lang=en), on the website of the Company (https://elmorent.ee/investeeri/) and in Postimees. The meeting started at 15:00 and ended at 16:41. As per the registration list of the general meeting in total 1,791,624 votes were represented, which forms 72,94% of all votes attached to the shares, and thus the general meeting had a quorum to adopt resolutions on the issues on the agenda.
Decisions of the general meeting:
1. Approval of the annual report of 2021
Decision taken:
To approve the Company’s annual report of 2021.
The resolution was adopted by 100% of the votes represented at the general meeting.
2. Proposal on covering losses
Decision taken:
To approve the Company’s losses for the financial year 2021 at EUR -308,528.
To allocate the losses of the 2021 financial year to accumulated losses and to cover the losses on account of the profits of future periods.
The resolution was adopted by 100% of the votes represented at the general meeting.
3. Recalling of supervisory board members
Decision taken:
To recall Taavi Laur and Enn Laansoo from the Company’s supervisory board as of the moment of adoption of this resolution.
The resolution was adopted by 100% of the votes represented at the general meeting.
4. Election of supervisory board members
Decision taken:
To elect Margot Roose (personal identification code 47602070214) and Peeter Raudsepp (personal identification code 37005242729) to the Company’s supervisory board from 29 June 2022 for a five-year term.
The resolution was adopted by 100% of the votes represented at the general meeting.
5. Determination of the procedure for and amount of remuneration of the supervisory board members
Decision taken:
To determine the monthly remuneration payable to the Company’s supervisory board members as EUR 500 (net) and supervisory board chairman as EUR 750 (net). The remuneration is paid to the supervisory board members’ current accounts by the 10th date of the following month.
The resolution was adopted by 100% of the votes represented at the general meeting.
The minutes of the ordinary general meeting of the Company will be published on the website of the Company at https://elmorent.ee/investeeri/ on 29 June 2022 at the latest.
Allan Leppikson
Member of the Management Board