ELMO Rent introduced luxury cars to the car sharing
There is intense competition in the car distribution market and service providers are coming up with various innovations that allow more and more people to practice using vehicles as a service instead of owning them. As of today, the car sharing company ELMO Rent offers also premium cars.
Three service providers have filled Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu streets with cars which can be rented on a per-minute basis. It means that using cars as a service is more convenient today than ever before. While so far only middle-class cars have been available, ELMO Rent also brought premium-class cars to the streets, which can also be rented by phone. Tesla Model 3 electric cars are the first luxury vehicles to offer a luxurious design and first-class driving comfort.
“Today, comfort is important for the customer, and I mean it in every dimension – we are rebuilding our booking environment, bringing cars closer to our customers and now we can offer comfortable premium cars.” Julia Nekrassova, CEO of the company, explained the market entry of the new price class: “We thoroughly analyze the usability of vehicles on a daily basis and there is no doubt that the demand for more fancy cars is on the rise. This means that users who are used to more luxury cars, are also increasingly willing to change their consumption habits.”
ELMO Rent is an environmentally friendly car sharing platform that changes the meaning of a car for people, the environment and the wallet. ELMO Rent develops the most efficient way in which a person and a car could fit together in the future. Technology, analytics and convenience are playing an important role in this.