ELMO Rent turnover sets a record also in September
According to the established reporting, on the 7th of each month ELMO Rent submits a sales results report of the last month.
The total sales turnover in September was the largest in the ELMO Rent history and totaled 159,524 euros (forecast 105,000 euros), which is an increase of 2.43 times or 143% compared to the previous year. Out of this, short-term rental income also continued to grow compared to the previous year + 93%.
The total sales revenue of ELMO Rent for 9 months 2021 is 620,646 euros, which is 66.4% compliant with the 2021 target of 93.4,651 euros presented in the IPO materials and is at the same pace/in line with the estimation (ELMO Rent 9 month forecast is 622 thousand euros).
The sales revenue of short-term rental decreased by 6.6% compared to August, but August is historically the peak month of the short-term rental season, so ELMO Rent also considers such a small decrease to be a positive excess.
The number of registered new customers increased by 63% compared to the previous month (in August it was 37%) and compared to September”20 the increase is 9 times.
ELMO Rent considers the CO2 emissions saved by environmentally friendly cars in urban areas to be equally important with sales and registration of new customers: in September, ELMO Rent electric cars covered 228,289 km, which saved more than 27,850 kg of CO2 emissions.
On 9 September, ELMO Rent organized an investor event, which introduced today’s electric vehicle fleet, summarized the financial indicators of the last months and launched the “order a car infront of the door for free” service as a new one. The new service is the first step in bringing a remote-controlled car to the market. The video of the investor event has been viewed more than 1000 times and can be found here https://www.facebook.com/elmorent2.0/videos/2716570618641099
In the second half of September, ELMO Rent got a shareholder in a greenfund focusing on green technologies, which supports the production phase of the controller and remotely-controlled vehicle technology and its expansion abroad. The stock exchange announcement can be found here https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=bc27dd956a1371613225f60151c8276cf&lang=et and more detailed background here https://pakri.ee/pakri-teadus-ja-toostuspark-kaivitab-nutikaid-roheinvesteeringuid-tegeva-fondi/.
ELMO Rent also submitted a technical description of the remote control car site test to the Transport Administration, see the stock exchange announcement https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=b6456c99cd99b3253d068efd2eddd6a19&lang=et