Extension of Flora business district service list by adding the rental service is changing the mentality of office people
The new ELMO Rent cooperation partner Lumi Capital provides all tenants of Flora business building an opportunity to use the electric car rental service on the basis of shared economy on reasonable prices.
It’s the first time in Estonia when you can rent an electric car in a business district in addition to the premises rent. In Raiko Uri’s – Lumi Capital’s leading partner – opinion a well-managed business environment is the one where you can create an added value for the tenants and use innovative solutions. In this case in the form of the short-term electric car rent.
Such an approach is unprecedented due to several reasons. The most important is a possibility for the tenants of the business building to do flexible working day planning. Time saving and convenience are ensured by two electric cars ready to go during the office hours, easy booking thereof by your mobile phone as well as a possibility to drive on public transport lanes to avoid traffic jams. Another value is added by free parking of ELMO Rent electric cars in the paid parking area of the entire city center as well as on other parking lots in rental points.
Using the electric car rental service for daily business trips the Flora business district tenants contribute to making Tallinn a more car-free city as well as save time and money applying the shared economy principle.
Good to know:
Lumi Capital is a company focused on property investment management. Flora is located at the border between Kristiine business district managed by Lumi Capital and the heart of the city, and hosts about 70 different company. A new office building was erected in the district in late 2017.