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Nüüd ka Narvas elektriautode rent!

Soodne ja tavapärasest renditeenusest erinev keskkonnasäästlikult võtmevaba renditeenus on nüüd kättesaadav nii Narva kohalikele elanikele kui linna külastajatele. Rendipunktid asuvad Astri ja Fama kaubanduskeskuste parklates, elektriauto kiirlaadijate kõrval. „Narva on üks äge linn ja meie meeskonnal on varem olnud vaid positiivsed kogemused narvakatega. See oli ka üks peamisi põhjuseid Presidendi eeskujul nii-öelda Narva kolida ja […]

New rental point at Balti Station Market!

Thanks to our great environmental-friendly customers we opened today, on the 6th of June, new rental point in Northern-Tallinn. It is situated in the parking plot of Balti Station Market (Balti Jaama Turg), the most famous market in Estonia. There are two parking plots for ELMO Rent hybrid and electric cars. From today you can […]

Smart City for the Citizens 31 May 2018

We are glad to announce that the next smart city conference Smart City for the Citizens 2018: Urban Mobility will take place on May 31, 2018 in Estonian National Museum, Tartu. This year’s program will mostly focus on urban mobility: how to use data for planning public transport in the cities, which are the best intelligent transport system practices in […]
