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Short trips up to 50% cheaper!

Customers ask, and we do: Since February driving time is calculated on 30 minutes basis and is twice cheaper! Did you know that now electric car short-term rent is cheaper than a taxi ride?  Average trip in Tallinn is about 15 km and costs between 5 and 7 euros. Average trip in Tartu is about […]

Customers are starting to trust electric cars

Enn Laansoo Jr, CEO of ELMO Rent, gave an interview to Äripäev about the use of electric cars. Following is the article.  ELMO Rent is planning to extend the short-term rental service volume, as our customers started to trust the electric cars and use them for longer and longer trips. “For example, yesterday (29.01 – […]

Some temporary rental points are closed

In December we opened temporary rental points at shopping malls in Tallinn and Tartu to make Christmas shopping easier for our customers. With the aim to offer ELMO Rent electric car fleet with a higher flexibility and availability of the cars in the existing rental points by the time the customers wish, we are closing […]
