What is ELMO RENT by nature?
A female or a male?
First time ELMO saw the light of the day in July 2013. According to the statistics collected by KredEx Foundation for four years, within the first month of ELMO RENT operations only 9% of the users were women. By the end of the fourth year ELMO RENT increased the share of the weaker sex up to 25 per cent.
It is almost the same as women participation in the 2015 Parliamentary elections according to the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner.
Active or passive?
During the first months ELMO dared to leave its rental points only for one fifth of the day time. Most courageous was ELMO in summer 2014, when it showed its white outfit altogether 49% of the time. The last six months were pretty modest for ELMO and it showed its still well-conditioned white outfit only 24% of the time.
An ELMO-man enjoys moving around much more than an average Estonian TV-sportsman, who spends around 4 hours in front of the luminous TV screen.
Marathon or sprint?
In the starting years 2013-2014 ELMO liked longer distances (142-218 km, 50-100 times). After the fourth year short distances became preferable, but the number of rides almost doubled (42-71 km, 140-190 times).
We are happy that the popularity of electric car rental services is increasing also among the weak sex, our mobile activity is growing and we are getting smarter in timing. And what is most important – being a competent consumer we save our mother-nature by using electric cars.